Saturday, July 14, 2012

Point Lobos: Home of the Cyprus [Phase 4]

Walking through the hills of colorful Cyprus trees reminded me of a Doctor Seuss novel. I believe it was The Lorax, in which a place of colorful trees and prospering wildlife exists. Point Lobos honestly felt like a fantasy novel.

Something unexpected: blue water. I've been on a cruise to Bermuda, but I thought that water of such vibrant color did not exist in the continental United States. Obviously, I was wrong, since the water at Point Lobos was beautiful. Also, try to spot the seals basking in the sun on the main rock!

Whenever something interesting takes place near me--such as waves crashing or seals barking--hundreds of photographs of the same general concept end up on my camera. Point Lobos' water features were no exception.

Point Lobos was one of the highlights of the trip. It's beautiful, scenic, seal-filled, cyprus tree-filled...anything and everything you could ask for in a National Park!

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